The Daily Bark is a student-produced morning show at Briggs Elementary School by fourth and fifth grade students. The hosts of The Daily Bark record important school announcements every afternoon, and the Hallway Headlines reporters interview students and staff to keep students informed about what's happening at The Briggs! To become a reporter or host, students must complete the audition application. Applications are available at the beginning of every school year, and at the end of Q2.
The Daily Bark is played every morning for students and can be viewed by parents, guardians, and other community members using the link below.
Have a great day, Bulldogs!
2022-2023 Hosts and Reporters
Quarter 1 and Quarter 2:
Kaniyah McFadden (Host)
Gabby Davis (Host)
Ava Chandler (Host)
Harper Pakosz (Host)
Sebastian Poole (Host)
Mia Glowe (Host)
Serenity Harris (Host)
Ian McCraine (Reporter)
Aaliyah Neale (Reporter)
Andre Fortune (Camera Man)
Claire Jordan (Reporter)
Cameron Herrmann (Reporter)
Josiah Merritt (Camera Person)
Livi Peed (Producer)
Miracle Martinez (Alternate)
Abigail Brewer (Alternate)
Haley Hopper (Alternate)